dead bug exercise: Not As Deadly An Exercise After All

5 min read
dead bug exercise: Not As Deadly An Exercise After All

dead bug exercise: Not As Deadly An Exercise After All

So, when you first hear the words “Dead Bug Exercise,” probably an image of a sadistic trainer flipping over some helpless bug and watching it flail impotently in the air flashes through your mind… However, not to scare you as this workout move does NOT include real bugs or death! A dead bug is an uncomplicated exercise that, contrary to the name, almost anyone can perform — whether you are new or seasoned in your fitness journey. Down to the world of dead bugs: (the exercise not insects, however naturalistic you want your routine)….

What Is the Dead Bug Exercise?

dead bug exercise can help to strengthen the core of people who want ab muscles without ever doing a single crunch. You read right… no crunches!

This one you do lying on your back, wiggling everything in all the appropriate creepy-bug-dead ways. The best part of it, however is you can do this exercise anytime anywhere (you just need a yoga mat or soft floor area to lie down)! And the best part? Um, so you can do 90 minutes of ab crunches laying down anywhere! Now, what workout cannot be complete without some lying down?

Why Should You Do Dead Bugs

Main exercise: This is an exercise that works on the abdominal entire core rectus abdominis, transverses and obliques. I mean, you know — all of the muscles that we often attempt to display on a beach.

Coordination Development:It involves using opposing limbs in unison which improves coordination. It may just make two left feet feel a little less like, you know — two left feet.

Low Impact: A low-impact workout is easier on your joints. Therefore, if jumping all over the place is wearing out your knees, then perform dead bugs.

Improved Posture: the muscles you use to find your balance are stabilizing structures for posture. This way, if you spend a lot of your life staring down/up at the world (all of us!), the dead bug can be a lifesaver.

Dead Bug Exercise Instructions

Now that you are keen to give it a shot, let us delve into how can this dead bug exercise be done:

How to do it: Lie flat on a yoga mat. Extend your arms up to the ceiling and keep a 90-degree angle in both knees, so that shins are parallel with floor. Just chill, bug about to die! The hell.

Activate Your Core: Lower back to the mat. This will help you prevent back pain. Imagine that your navel is trying to kiss your backbone.

Start by lower your right arm and left leg to the ground Lower until your lower back starts to lift off the mat. Return them to beginning position. Now, Flex your left arm and right leg. So remember: slow and steady wins the race — this neednt be rushed!

Reps: Repeat on each side for 10-15 reps. At first you may end up feeling like a bit of clumsy bug, do not fear! You’ll get the hang of it!

Top 2 Mistakes and How to Prevent Them

Lower Back Arch: This can occur when you arch your lower back away from the floor (a common mistake) Don’t do it! This detracts from your center of mass and can cause lower back pain. Keep flattening down the lower back on to mat.

Fast-Tracking Through dead bug exercise Even if it is only for a split second, not getting through the full range of motion due to fatigued muscles or moving too fast has serious implications. Relish in it—like a bug chowing down for the last time on some comfort food.

Not Using Their Breath: As silly as this sounds, when some people really focus on what they are doing with their movements the will accidentally forget to even breathe. Then when moving lower breathe out, and breathing in return to axis position. Bugs never stop breathing; don’t you do it either!

Variations to Spice Things Up

As with any other exercise, once you execute the basic dead bug tensionless, move on to some progressions if possible. Because no one wants to be a boring bug, do they?

Dead Bug with Resistance Band: Lie on your back, resist the pull, resistance band looped around feet or hands. For a more advanced version of the traditional dead bug, flip from your back onto your stomach to challenge yourself even further. Caution: You may experience “Mission Impossible” with bugs.

Dead Bug on Exercise Ball: Perform the movement with your feet over top an exercise ball. It will target your core, and challenge you balance all at the same time. BONUS: You roll a little bit, and its always fun to do.

Weighted Dead Bug – Perform a dead bug with your arms extended above you and hold onto either a light dumbbell or plate. It engages your muscle which in turn increases the resistance you are experiencing. But just try not to add the weight—no one likes a squished bug!

When to Perform the Dead Bug Exercise

The dead bug is versatile and can be easily placed into a variety of exercise programming:

Warm-up: Incorporate this move into your warm up, before hitting the weights.

Core Workout: Integrate it into your existing core workout routine.

Cool-down: A great exercise for cooling down, relieving tension in the core muscles.

Takeaways: dead bug exercise is Your BFF

The dead bug exercise may have a peculiar-sounding name, but it is actually a very useful and simple-to-perform movement that can help provide an answer to the age-old question: “How do you strengthen your core?” By doing this gentle yet deceptively challenging activity on a regular basis, not only will you be reaping benefits such as improved positive neurological outcomes (PNOs), enhanced coordination responses and potentially becoming closer in spirit to superherodom by being able to bust bugs with ease. And, it helps to shake up your workouts and makes them more enjoyable for you!

It may seem quite difficult at the beginning, but remind yourself — it’s just step 1:) You don’t need to be perfect and do this like a pro from day one. Move forward, even if you are little uncomfortable in the beginning stages! You are not working on becoming an ant or joining a bug dance competition. Now when someone inquires about your fitness regimen, you can proudly state that dead hangs are the extent of it (dead hanging is what elephants do best anyway!)

Now, give the dead bug a shot and get on that mat! Who knew flopping around on your back mattered so much? Oh, but don’t forget to alert your friends and family first otherwise they might just assume you have actually transformed into a bug!

So, for the bottom line: Dead bug is a fun alternative to crunches that also works in more planes making it an effective way to build core strength. So, go ahead and get in that dead-bug position — your core will thank you!