Frenchie Kismet: The Irresistible Charm of French Bulldogs and the Magic of Fate

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Frenchie Kismet: The Irresistible Charm of French Bulldogs and the Magic of Fate

Frenchie Kismet: The Irresistible Charm of French Bulldogs and the Magic of Fate


The French Bulldogs are those bat-eared bundles of adorable that have captivated our hearts and taken over the world with their big ears, perfect size for snuggling on a couch or small apartment while bonding so quickly with anyone they meet. It is like these little dogs were destined to be our favorite household animal, or something. However, have you ever taken a moment to consider the kismet — destiny of why these dogs come into our lives? Yes, the idea of “Frenchie Kismet” is indeed a magical and slightly mystical source as to how these dogs get into our lives.

What followed is a breed that was created, indeed born from love and destiny.

Let me share with you where French Bulldogs originated from — first. Frenchies are so called, but they actually have English origins. Nottingham lace workers in the 1800’s bred a smaller, more manageable version of the English Bulldog that we now know as Bulldogs. These workers become unwanted cheap labour and inundated countries like France, taking their treasured mini Bulldogs with them. This breeding eventually evolved into the French Bulldog we are familiar with today after a little *breeding* was thrown in from local terriers as well.

In this sense, French Bulldogs exist because of fate—a breed that was irrevocably molded by history. It’s almost as if this breed of dog was always destined to be the ideal pet for people in need of love, warmth and a little laughter.

That Wins Every Heart/ As an editor, you have to possess the personality.

There is just something *different* about a frenchie. Golden Retrievers are well known for being very sweet, friendly dogs which also makes them great with families as wan all singles and seniors too. They are playful but without being hyper, loyal but not clingy and smart while also never always in your face. That is why the French Bulldogs have become one of most popular dog breeds in the world.

However, if there is to stand out facet of Frenchies, it would have to be their unique sense of humor. That right, these are funny dogs French bulldogs of any age know how to make us happy with their playful faces, snoring sounds and love for lying as a mini buddy human on the couch. It is said by many Frenchie owners that their dogs are always capable of making them laugh even when they least expect to. *It’s as if they exist solely to help us forget our own pain and rubbish for a second. *

The Kismet of French Bulldog Ownership

Well, how does one happen upon their French Bulldogs? For others, it is pure coincidence or its fate. Let’s face it, bringing a dog into your life is not like adding another outfit to the wardrobe. One thrown your way in hues you may never have anticipated.

Picture this: You are scrolling through social media one day when all of a sudden, you see an image of a Frenchie puppy on your newsfeeds? You never considered a dog before, yet the moment you saw those big and round eyes combined with his floppy ears I know your heart did that little leapfrog flipflexocyphaexplodicus. Next thing you know, you are looking through breeders or adoption centers and then boom — now have a Frenchie.

You may have had your heart set on a dog for the past few years and none seemed quite right until you came across French Bulldog at local shelter. From the second you made eye contact with that puppy, it was love at first sight. *****This is the miracle of Kismet—the universe telling you what you never knew that you always needed. *

The Relationship that Never Dies

When a Frenchie enters your world, it is really hard to imagine what life was like without them. They have a way of weaving themselves into your lifestyle, from their morning cuddles to evening zoomies. Also of any other breed, their affinity for food and Frenchies are known to have always been hungry (*we will beg for anything*), this trait is often met with some hilarious begging.

Though, it is not just their conduct that makes Frenchies so lovable. Well, it has a lot to do with the relationship they develop with their owners. Frenchies are VERY intuitive — they can tell when you’re in a low mood or feeling wretched. Rocking against you for comfort in their own way. It’s as if you have your own little soldiers making sure that everyone else knows damn well how much of an asshole they are.

Or the Frenchie’s *defensive streak*. They may not be the largest or most intimidating dogs in town, but Frenchies are extremely loyal and devoted to protecting their owners. Whether they are barking at the mailman or get in between you and a suspicious squirrel, these doggos do not take lightly to their roles as your protector.

Frenchie Traits That Will Make Them Memorable!

Every Frenchie is different — and that’s what makes them unique. There are plenty of French Bulldog characteristics that make every Frenchie unique and it is part of what makes them so quirky! A few Frenchies even seem to talk, employing a whole scale of snorts and growls and occasionally howls in importingational effort to speak with their owners. Still others might cling to a favorite toy that they never want to let go of, not for two seconds.

And of course, now we have to discuss the classic Frenchie sleeping positions. These are dogs that do not like to work just relax in the coolest ( or strangest ) position possible. Whether they are stretched out on their backs with all 4 legs up in the air or rolled into a tiny ball, Frenchies really know how to be cozy. It is the little things like these that make Frenchies so memorable and to steal the hearts of their owners a million times over.

The Joy of Being a Frenchie Parent

It is not easy to be the parent of a Frenchie, but it will always reward you. Small dogs, big personalities — and sometimes, with these benefits come great responsibility. Since Frenchies have a bit of *a stubborn streak*, you may find that training is somewhat testing. However, by be patient and consistent most Frenchies can learn some type of obedience… (well effective at pretending anyway).

Plus there’s health. A French Bulldog is a brachycephalic breed. This means they have short noses and flat faces which can make it difficult for them to regulate their breathing or control panting in the heat, so be sure not to overexert your Frenchie with too much heavy playtime during hot weather! This makes them susceptible to some respiratory issues so, Frenchie owners must know what their dog can withstand and avoid pushing French bulldogs too hard specifically on hot weather. In addition to these, its regular vet visits and a balanced diet are also very important in keeping the breed happy fit.

However, ask any Frenchie owner and they will tell you that the pleasure of owning one certainly makes up for it all. *Like, those big eyes and that dumb smile…whatever they’re not capable of making light. *

## Frenchie Kismet: A Love Story of the Century

In the end, Frenchie Kismet is a love story between you and your dog. It is the *destiny* that made you cross each others paths and to **bond**, who will never allow to break. Whatever you think about destiny or fate, when a Frenchie enters your life do we all agree that something special happens.

They have a way of making you feel as though in your capacity to love them they can help make some difference. They are as family to us, more than just a pet. Because in this crazy, chaotic world full of inexplicable events having a Frenchie is like a piece of *fate*- assuring you all hope might not be lost after-all.

Therefore, if you have a French Bulldog in your life then consider yourself lucky. If your French Fawn fairy tale hasn’t happened yet, the perfect little pup will make their way to you exactly when they should. Fuck it, some things are just destiny